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Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10a

Why do we witness?

Has it ever occurred to you that there might be a reason to why we're still on earth, even after we've accepted Jesus as our Savior? We know we're going to heaven when we die - but why can't we just go now? Think of the person in your life that brought you to Christ. Was it your parents - were you raised in the church? Your best friend? Someone else? Now, we can assume that the person that brought you to Christ was indeed Christian (though, if you were converted by a method otherwise, we'd love to hear it!) - what would've happened if that person had been taken away to heaven as soon as they'd accepted Christ? You wouldn't be Christian. There'd be no one here to have told you about Christ. God obviously has a purpose for leaving us here until He's ready to take us home.

Mission: Evangelize Matthew 28:16-20 is commonly referred to as "The Great Commission" and tells us to "go and make disciples of all the nations" and that surely He will be with us "always, until the end of the age".

We are, as Brett calls it, "instruments" of God. When we open ourselves up to Him, He will do great things with us and for us. By giving your life to Christ, you are opening yourself up to a life that can not be replicated without the Lord. He calls us to make disciples. Knowing that He is of infinite power and knowing what He has done in your life, why keep that to yourself? Why not share it?
