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Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10a

I accepted Christ as a freshman in highschool, and a few years later I was still uncomfortable sharing my faith with people who were not Christians themselves. Even after I felt my call to the Ministry, I didn't accept that I would have to get over my hesitations about 'witnessing'. When I encountered the class called "Soul Winning" which required me to witness to several people on a regular basis, I slowly began to overcome my shyness.
I met Brett a year before I began my ministry classes. His infectious laugh, intelligent manner and incomparable wit were paired with a cynical, jaded and understandably pessimistic outlook on almost everything. And yet, as we became coworkers, we became good friends. Brett mentored me in the ways of the computer software industry, teaching me valuable skills that most have to pay to learn and later became one of my best friends. One day, I felt the Divine Encouragement, so I took the chance on including him in my non-work-related life and told him about passing the exam for my most recent ministry class. He was proud of me. I knew there was some curiosity inside of him, so I did all I could to encourage him to talk. It didn't take long for him to start asking questions. Little by little, I watched him grow, and I was only amazed at God's goodness.
Now, this website has been created at Brett's encouragement. I had always wanted to have a website with a purpose, so I'm building this using the skills that he's taught me through his mentorship, with him in mind and the hope of making it easier for others to witness.
I also need to tell you that Brett was an anomaly. I had witnessed to several other "big fish", and had not been able to "reel them into the boat". My advice to you: Don't be discouraged. Remember that God will give you the words to witness to people, and that even when it is a seeming failure, you are still planting a seed in their hearts. The Bible calls this an imperishable seed. It will not rot.
Witnessing to Brett has taught me a lot about non-believers, God and even myself. (Who knows, maybe one day I'll write a book based on what I learn from the mission I have in this site.) The Great Commission, as found in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, tells us that we should "make disciples of all the nations". God has called us to do this work for Him, but He never said it would be easy work. I hope that I can help to make it a bit easier for you. Come on in, see the thoughts that Brett and I share every day. See our progress as friends working together to be in the Lord, and share your thoughts on our mission.
