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Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10a

If God knows our hearts, why do we pray?

Imagine you are a parent. You know through other outside “sources” (say, your spouse) that your daughter really wants a particular toy for her birthday. She’s asked grandparents, uncles, aunts, even your spouse, but not you. Do you get more satisfaction out of giving her that toy when she doesn't ask you for one or is it more meaningful to both of you if she asks you and you come through?

That’s the way God works. He’s a parent before He’s the God of the Universe. He could go around granting every unspoken desire, but something happens when a child goes to the father and says, “Daddy, can I have a {insert this season's popular toy here}?” and the father pulls one out from behind his back.

As a child asks a parent for wants and needs, and the parent grants them joyfully, the relationship grows stronger, trust is built, dependence is established.

And God loves to go through this process with us. What parent wouldn't want to give their kids what they wanted most? It's the same with God. . . just a billion times greater.
