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Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10a

What does it mean to be "saved"?

Think of yourself struggling to stay afloat in a body of water - you are scared and you only know to kick your feet and move your arms in a fashion which might keep your head above water. . . Then, a life-ring is tossed to you, and you are suddenly guaranteed of being pulled out of the water to safety.

I liken the water to sin because, though I can swim, I am afraid of falling into water, and likewise, I am afraid of falling into sin. That life-ring is Jesus - God tossed Jesus to the world as a Holy Life-Ring. He is our Guarantee that we are saved from the depths of sin.

Being "saved" means that we will never be separated from God again. It means that we have been reconciled to Him by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. We have now entered into a personal relationship with a God, our loving Father, through Jesus.

By being saved, we are free from the penalty and punishment of sin which is (spiritual) death and eternal separation from God. We are saved from the control of the enemy and his plans to destroy us, free from a life full of fear, guilt, shame and bitterness; free from trying to fill voids that nothing seems to fill beyond temporary.

I've said it before, and I'll say it until I die: He never said it would be easy, He just said He'd be there with us. It's difficult, yes, but so very worth it!
