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Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10a

Why do I never feel like I'm good enough for God?

I think most of us have felt this, and might still feel this. The first thing to know is that feeling like you're not good enough for God is just that: a feeling. We don't know how God sees us, but because we know how good He is, it's easy to believe that we're not good enough.

Understanding that God is better than us is important. The moment we begin believing that we deserve His love and grace, we fall into the sin of pride. We do not deserve it. But the glory of it is that in His goodness, He gives it to us anyways. How amazing is that??

As you feel that you're not good enough for God, remember that He sent His son to the cross to die for you - yes, you, because He wanted to be with you forever. More importantly, when we believe, we are no longer condemned. So, when you start to wonder if you're really deserving of His love, remember what Romans 8:1 says: For there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

When we accept Christ as our Savior, God no longer sees our imperfections, our shortcomings. He now sees us through the Jesus-filter that makes us look perfect to Him, even though He knows we're not. But that's not important to Him, because He sees us through the eyes of Christ, with love, compassion, and most importantly, grace.
