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Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10a

Dinosaurs and Creation - You know the question, need I say more?

There is no Biblical explanation for dinosaurs, certainly not using the term "dinosaur". There are passages we could interpret to be dinosaurs, but when we get into sketchy interpretation, we're asking for trouble.

The first chapter of Genesis covers the creation of the Earth in 7 days. However, never in that passage does it define a day. We don't know how long that "day" was. It could've easily been used in the way we might call a "step".

"Step 1. Create light.
Step 2. Create spanse between waters.
Step 3. . ." and so on

Time. God gave us time as a way of relating things. God can not be confined to time. His "day" could equal a thousand years, or more, if He wanted, but for our sake, He called it a "day".

A man, while talking to God, decided to ask a few questions.
"God? . . . A million years on Earth. . .How long is that to You?"
". . .About as long as a second."
The man thought again and said, "God? . . . A million dollars on Earth. . .How much money is that to You?"
". . .As much as a penny."
Again, the man thought hard, worked up the nerve and asked, "God? Can I have one of your penny's?"
God responded, "Sure. Wait just a sec."

My point is that dinosaurs probably did exist. But who's to say exactly when? And further, since time is an earthly confine, will when the dinosaurs existed really matter when we get to Heaven?
